Writing Log: Day 3 – Month 1

This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

Day three of my new writing log and I’m getting more excited about the whole process. Again. This was definitely one of my goals but I am constantly surprised just how much I enjoy all of this. The writing itself is fairly hard work. Mentally anyway. The whole idea of writing an entire book is also still incredibly intimidating to me. I have an unfortunate habit of looking at the entirety of the work and thinking about just what it will take to finish. The “one day at a time” mantra was never so apt in my life as now. It’s also a huge divergence from the world we live in today. The world with everything coming fast and faster. Movies stream as fast as you can turn on your TV and find what you want to watch. Electronic books are instantly available wherever you happen to be. Even physical stuff can be ordered online one day and show up either next day or the day after. Don’t get me wrong, I am a huge fan of the online shopping experience. Dealing with people in stores drives me a little nuts every time I have to go. But it does mean that this writing thing is very alien to my other daily experiences.

This is what I have discovered to far when it comes to my writing process (these are the things that I have found to be most important to my process and may or may not work for anyone else’s):

– Discipline is very important: This, along with motivation, is one of the most difficult things maintaining on a daily basis. As I greatly enjoy a multitude of activities when I am at home it takes a decent amount of discipline for me to tear myself away from a video game (World of Warcraft or Diablo 3 recently) to sit down and write.

– Motivation is equally is not more important: This one factor has probably been the single biggest hurdle throughout my life. As I mentioned in yesterday’s post I have been going through as much of my old writing as I could find (easily find at this point). One of the things I came across was a journal that spans from halfway through 1997 through most of 1998. There aren’t very many entries despite this long time period. I wasn’t surprised though. Consistency has always been an issue with me because day to day, my personal motivation to do something like this waxes and wanes. Once I actually sit down and get into the writing mindset, motivation is no longer a problem 99% of the time. It’s getting myself to sit down and do it that is the trick. With my first book I used the task as a personal challenge to see if I could even finish a book. Now that I’ve done so, I’ve beaten that challenge. That meant that the doubts and inner critic came back in full force and have been plaguing me for some time now. This writing log is part of how I handle my doubts and annoying inner critic. It gives me visible proof of my daily progress, and that is something that greatly helps with my motivation.

– Simple goals: This was something I’ve learned through this whole process. It is so very important to keep your daily, weekly, and even monthly goals both simple and reasonable. This goes back to the short, medium, and long term goal planning we probably (hopefully) all learned in school at some point. This is very true with writing. My current daily goal for fiction writing is the same goal I had writing my first book: complete at least 1,000 new words each day while taking at most one day off each week from writing.

– Writing must be a habit: This ties in with everything else but is certainly worth mentioning. For myself, I have to make writing a daily habit. I need to be thinking about it during idle times, when I’m bored, when I’m in bed about to fall asleep, in the shower, wherever. If I’m not doing this, I lose the thread of the story I’m writing. I have to spend valuable time re-reading what I’ve written to get a clue as to what should happen next. This is both frustrating and boring. I’ve discovered that if I just stay on top of my writing, even if I don’t hit my writing goal for the day, the story stays fresh enough that the next day I can pick up where I left off without missing a beat. Plus, making writing a habit helps reinforce that whole discipline thing. Bonus!

That’s about it for now. If I can think of more I’ll add it to the list.


Writing Log – Day 3 Month 1

Transformation (Second Shroud Novel) –  8,246 words to date (1,497 today)

Other Fiction – 0

Blog Entries – 818

Emails – 0

Total Fiction This Month: 9,340

Total Words This Month: 11,476

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