Category Archives: Dreams

And Out the Other Side

This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

It was a rough week for me and a rough week for the city. Tests, renovations, hard topics, a reading, and a shooting we still don’t know enough about. Now it’s Friday and life moves us on inexorably. The weather is the warmest it’s been in months so there’s the feeling of renewal along with a rekindling for the appreciation of the beauty around us. It’s hard to see this beauty and think about the horrible things happening around us, and around the world, every second of every day. Really it’s a wonder the human race has achieved anything positive. That was the state of mind I was in Monday when I wrote a poem for my creative writing class today:


I came out of class Monday afternoon after watching a documentary about the murder of Vincent Chin feeling angry and voiceless. I guess this was my way of expressing those feelings, and a way of distancing myself from the evils others have wrought. In the end, regardless of race, creed, religion, or beliefs, we are our choices and actions. I share nothing with those who choose evil beyond the barest whisps of DNA and physical traits. These traits do not define me. I define me.



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My Fiction on Tumblr:

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My Live Writing, Editing, and other videos:

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With Apologies to School Girls

This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

There are now three total auditions for my two books that I posted on ACX last night. Late. Three auditions. I’m still listening to the first one at the moment and I have to keep pausing to squee. I find myself giddy as a school girl. (See apology in title.) I don’t know why this is hitting me so hard. Perhaps part is I never expected to get a response so quickly. I think also it is strange and awesome, in the fullest sense, to hear someone else reading my work out loud. It’s like seeing my own work from someone else’s perspective and is both exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. Like probably every other author out there I want people, some people, any people, to like what I do. And just this little bit is enough for me to dance around the room. So yeah, um, I’m going to go back now and hopefully finish listening. Without pausing to squee again… ::deep breath::


My previous post on trying out this whole audio book process:


If you like these and other posts, feel free to check out my other work:

Fiction on Tumblr:

Fiction on Patreon: (Some activity requires Patron Status.)

Live Writing, Editing, and other videos:

If you’d like to help a budding author you can also support me on Patreon:


Conversations in my Head

This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

At some point many years ago I thought that perhaps I had some potential as a writer. I didn’t know how much (I still don’t for that matter), but I thought that maybe, just maybe, I could do this some day. I realized this because of my daydreams. At times they are incredibly vivid. I have whole conversations either with myself or some imagined person. Tonight is no exception. I managed to get about 1k words done on my book (yay!) and I was taking a break to read some of Dean Wesley Smith’s ‘Killing the 10 Sacred Cows of Publishing’. I only got through a couple of pages. Part of that is I’m pretty tired now, but the rest was because I started daydreaming. Mr. Smith was talking about his time as an editor, which made me wonder what it would be like to be a new editor?

I suddenly found myself being introduced to my new desk and office. My computer had a three monitor setup (one monitor is so very limiting after all) and a marginally comfortable chair. I was ready to get down to business. Being a new editor though, I was only given a short story to work on. Just a couple of pages. I asked about the deadline and they said by the end of the day was fine. Man, already I was bored. (I’d been editing professional writing for government purposes for the past four years or so, until the layoff.) Then I was having a conversation with my boss about just how in-depth they wanted me to go on the edit. Technical only for grammar, spelling, and the like? Or a deep dive into the guts of the story itself? Or both? 🙂

It was a fun little daydream. Very vivid. When I’m really into my book, that’s how I see the scenes I’m working on. It runs through my head like a movie in slow-motion, or just very short bursts that rewind constantly. Tons of tiny loops until I’ve laid down the scene and action to my liking. Those are the best times. I’m too into the scene in my head to worry about how much I might be sucking at putting it down in words. It’s always easier to write when your inner critic can’t interfere.