Tag Archives: Skyrim

First! An Introduction.

This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

How to begin? I suppose the best place to start is with the purpose is this blog. This really is just an outlet for the thoughts bouncing around in my head. A place for me to rant about various topics close to heart and sound out some ideas in a slightly more tangible form than the incessant nattering in my head. Why not just keep a journal? A fair question. In point of fact, I already keep a journal and I may or may not write in it at work… ::cough::  The point though, is that while I already have a journal, it is mostly for the more mundane concerns and problems in my life: how much I don’t like my current job, how sad and alone I am in a state with almost no friends or social life, how much I hope the job market improves thus providing me the opportunity to move out of my closet of a bedroom and be close to those I love, etc. That journal certainly helps me deal with those issues. However, I still find myself craving an outlet for other thoughts and ideas. Some place just to pose a few what-ifs to the ether.

Some background on me: I’ve been a life-long gamer and reader. My introduction to video games came in the form of a Commodore 64 that my father brought home when I was four or five years old. I learned to load games on my own, and after learning to read, I learned a little bit of BASIC programming as well. My favorite games from that system were Picture This, Ranch, and Astro Grover. The first book I ever managed to read on my own was a Garfield picture book. The story had been read to me many times, of course, but I distinctly remember sitting down and looking at the pictures one day and suddenly understanding the words. Sadly, I did not become an avid reader until the 3rd or 4th grade. Redwall was the book that hooked me on reading. David Eddings’ Belgariad, Mallorean, and Sparhawk series, along with the Wheel of Time books sealed the deal.

These days I mostly play PC games. I recently finished Mass Effect 3 (finally) and now I’m working on Skyrim again. Hopefully this time I will actually finish it. I also read as I have time. Currently I am reading Steven King’s On Writing. It is written in narrative form and covers how he came to be the writer he has. As expected it is both highly entertaining and informative. I’ve always wondered how the successful writers do what they do and this book offers a very unique insight.

That about wraps it up for now. I will leave you with this:


That is a mash-up cover of The Dragonborn Comes from Skyrim that includes an amazing singer, Malukah. I highly recommend checking it out as well as her other work. She’s based out of Mexico, a gamer, has an amazing voice, and does video game covers. Be still my pounding heart. Her site with all of her works can be found here: http://www.malukah.com/

As a final aside, I also occasionally write for Nerdscenepodcast. They are on a hiatus right now due to real life butting its ugly nose in where it’s not wanted. My posts for them can be found here: http://nerdscenepodcast.wordpress.com/