Tag Archives: wordpress

Buyer Beware

This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

Caveat emptor indeed. When I upgraded this blog to be hosted by WordPress directly I did so with the assumption (doh!) that I would be able to customize the site more than with the freebie version. Really should have done the research. I’d been trying to figure out how to install custom plugins off and on for a month or two but I didn’t have a lot of time/energy to devote to figuring it out. Until now. Le sigh. So now I know that WordPress restricts plugins to what they deem is essential. Then if you upgrade to their Enterprise package you can pick from a select list of business oriented plugins they will deign to provide for the tidy sum of $500 per month. Ouch. Way out of my budget. Though even if it weren’t I’d want a whole lot more in the way of features and services for $500 a month. Now I’m looking into the various web hosts that offer managed WordPress hosting. Turns out that, or web hosting where you install WordPress yourself, is the only way to really have control of your own blog. Lesson learned.

Here’s hoping I can transfer the site as it is to whatever host I settle on.