Tag Archives: writing inspiration

The National Novel Writing Month 2014 Kickoff

This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

The Madison, WI NaNoWriMo group met last night/this morning at a local restaurant to kickoff the 2014 National Novel Writing Month. I was surprised at just how many folks showed up. At my last count we topped out at 14 or 15 people. I may have missed some folks since I was tunnel visioned into my Nano novel though. We started at just after midnight. I have to say it was pretty awesome to write with a bunch of other folks. The closest I’ve come to that experience in the past was just writing assignments in class. Definitely not the same kind of energy. This was much better.

For myself I managed to finish the prologue for my new novel: Avatars & Identity. It takes place in the same shrouded world universe as Stephen’s trilogy but involves completely different characters and some very scifi elements. I’m not completely satisfied with the prologue as it stands but I’m feeling pretty good about this whole thing overall. Having all of these other people participating in the event is very motivating.

Now though it’s time to try and get a bit of sleep before heading back out later today for the MadNaNo launch party. Hopefully we’ll have a better chance to meeet and greet as well as discuss all things writing. I’ve been itching to get other folks’ opinions on various writing matters and this is the ideal opportunity. Also hoping we get the whole writing buddy thing set up for this month. I think it would be helpful for everyone if we had at least one other person to chat with about this on a regular basis.

Last but not least, I will be doing live writing for this novel almost every day using Google Hangouts. It will be open to the public if anyone is interested. I plan to do the first live session on Sunday. If you miss one, don’t worry. I will be doing this as much as possible. The videos will also be automatically uploaded to my YouTube channel so you can always check them out there.

Now, off to dream land! Hopefully.