A Wednesmonday

This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

Three to five days a week I take the bus to school. All of my classes start just before 10 AM but due to the bus schedule I usually take the 8:10 or 8:39 bus that stops across the street from my apartment. This bus only runs during the morning and evening rush hours so if I miss it, I’m pretty SOL as far as getting to school by public transit. Needless to say I’m pretty good about getting up and being at the bus stop a couple of minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Usually they’re right on time +/- one minute. Today I was almost to the street at 8:07 when the bus was already pulling away from the stop. Lovely. Thankfully the 8:39 did not pull this same BS and was on time. So I got to my classroom early, but not as early as I usually do. I know, I know. First world problems. It’s just some days, coming on top of physical exhaustion I haven’t been able to shake for a couple of days, that kind of thingĀ feels like a bigger deal than it really is. It’s not like I haven’t missed that first bus before because I certainly have. Those other times were very much my fault yet I didn’t get upset about it really. Just went back inside and waited 20 minutes to head back down.

I guess in the end all I’m really talking about is how strange our perception is at times and how heavily it influences how we perceive the events around us. The same event, missing the bus, could be taken any number of ways. Usually my mood is decent enough that it’s not really a problem, just something that happens from time to time. Yet today it was really annoying. It’s funny how some stress, anxiety, and a little poor sleep can really color your world in negative colors.

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