Tag Archives: Time

Too Late?

This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

I sometimes wonder if I’ve waited too long to figure things out. Looking back to when I was much younger than I am now, I was a pretty confident kid. Not with the other kids around me or social situations in general, but with what I wanted and what I was going to do with my life. I know a good part of that was just lack of exposure to and experience with the world as it is. We all dream about what we want to be “when we grow up”. (at least I hope we all get a chance to do so) The problem with this though, is that we have no clue what it really means to grow up. Society has a pretty good idea, but that’s just a mixture of expectations, upbringing, and various pressures put upon us. We have our own ideas of course. For me, it was all about getting a great job. That seemed to be the key to happiness, stability, and well-being.

I was confident in this path I’d set myself all of the way up to college. I had some big expectations for my college experience. Fun was definitely a part of the equation, but more importantly I expected that I would be excited and satisfied that I was finally learning about my chosen vocation (Computer Science in this case). Of course, the reality was something else entirely. After putting up with all of the learning requirements in high school I was looking forward to choosing just what I wanted to learn. Well hold on there buddy, you’ve got a bunch of general education requirements you have to meet before you can even think about taking classes actually related to your major! Yeah, that was the first slap in the face. It’s not that I don’t understand why this is the case, but I was very impatient to get on with the whole process. Still, I decided to take my medicine and loaded down with the damn things. I took upwards of 18 credit hours my second semester in order to get the crap out of the way. So that first year was a big review of a lot of the crap I’d just got done with in high school. The biggest difference was just how little anyone cared if I showed up to my classes or not. Most of my classes didn’t take attendance so it was on me to make sure I showed up and learned enough to pass my tests. It was also a lot less busy that high school. It was a strange adjustment.

So it wasn’t until the second year that I finally had my first programming course. I was excited for that and I was also excited to have a room to myself. Like most schools, it was nearly impossible for a freshman to get a single room. I was a sophomore now though. These turned out to be two things I would regret. For the room thing, I hadn’t realized how much my roommate and friend from my freshman year had kept me on point. We’d encouraged each other to go to classes when we would have rather stayed in bed or whatever. Without that encouragement I had a much harder time making myself go to some of my more pointless classes. Still, now I had a course for my major. Great right? Well, no. I don’t know about anyone else, but having a programming class in an auditorium with hundreds of other students was not conducive to learning such a complicated progress. I wasn’t new to programming or anything, but I was all self-taught up to that part. I had (and still have) a lot of holes in what I knew. So the class was already a struggle. Add the terrible format onto that and I was horribly discouraged. As that first semester drew to a close I realized I couldn’t stick with my plan. It wasn’t what I’d expected at all. I didn’t want to do it anymore. So I left. Dropped out and joined the work force.

This was a big decision for me but the job market was much better back then. With my computer skills I was still able to land decent, but not great jobs. I bought a house at 20 or 21 and had a steady job for several years. I worked, saved for retirement, paid my taxes, tried to exercise and eat right, etc, etc, etc. I played by the rules and followed the herd. I did okay for awhile, but it became evident that my position was a dead end. I got little raises but I was never going to have the big success I’d dreamed of there. I didn’t stress too much about it most of the time though. I had plenty of time after all. Then the company I worked for was bought out and the layoffs started. I lasted a little over a year after that. I was one of the last people to leave in fact. The whole thing was a depressing experience though, watching the new parent company destroy everything piece by piece. I heard later that they eventually sold off what was left a couple of years later. Fun times. So after that, I wasn’t able to land another decent job that would support my house. I had to sell it, cash out my retirement to pay for the closing, and moved to another state with my sister. I bummed around for about a year doing short contract jobs, trying to find something good while I waited to go back to school. That didn’t happen though and I ended up joining the Navy.

I did six years in the service. When I came up for re-enlisting I wanted to switch jobs. That wasn’t an option though so I got out and ended up doing the same work as a civilian. That was a strange experience. It was nice not being in the military while still doing the job, but my experiences with the contracting companies were pretty bad. I spent the first two months of this year waiting to get paid. Never a good sing when your company can’t afford to pay its employees. So yet another layoff later, I came to the decision that I was going to take this opportunity to make some changes in my life. I’d gone with the flow for a long time. A really long time. I’m more than a little tired of that. So here I am, back home near my family and friends. I’m living with two of the greatest people I’ve ever known and we’re all making a real go at this. I have a chance to go back to college. (Let’s hope H.R. 357 passes soon!)  I also have the chance to do something I enjoy doing and possibly make a living doing it. I just wonder sometimes if it’s a bit too late?

I suppose I’ve been having a crisis of confidence for a couple of weeks now. I have a hard time sitting down and getting any writing done. Part of it is I’m just not happy with the section of the book I’m in right now. I’m struggling to bring it together. I know where it needs to go and I have a pretty good idea for the climax, but getting there has been tricky. I’m happy that I still have a feel for my characters. When I do manage to get into the flow of things I have no trouble being right there with them as things happen. I guess I just feel a bit overwhelmed at times. There are so many things I want to do, not just with this book or Stephen’s story, but with my writing in general. I’m almost certainly dwelling too much on the big picture instead of concentrating on the day to day tasks. Self-publishing is fun but very intimidating. Writing a book is the same. The funny thing is, I had an easier time writing the first book when I was working full time. At least it seems that way.

I’m not going to let this self-doubt beat me though. I truly am looking forward to getting back to school. It will be strange being the old guy in the class. I remember sitting with and older guy in my math logic class back in the day. He was actually in the military though I don’t remember which branch at this point. He had a wife and kids but was also doing the college thing. I do remember being impressed. I guess I get to see what it’s like on the other side.

I just hope I can pull this all off.

Happiness and the Daily Grind

This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

I don’t know how it is for most people, but for me the daily grind is such a soul sucking experience it’s extremely difficult to come home and have much desire to do anything besides relax and pass the time until the next work day rolls around. I’m not saying that my job is horrible.  Far from it. It can be challenging and rewarding at times. It even pays fairly well. There was even a time when I was much younger that I believed that having a job that I didn’t like would be doable long term if the pay was there. I have since learned differently. It has actually been a fairly interesting personal learning experience. In my case, I’ve come to realize that once I have the money to pay my bills and save for retirement while still having a bit left over for my hobbies, interests, etc., the money on top of that does not make up for a frequently miserable existence.

That’s not to say everything is horrible and I hate life. No, this dissatisfaction is more subtle. As the days grind on, it has slowly become apparent that my life is going nowhere. The life I want to live and envision on a regular basis is on hold due to reality. There’s little use denying the facts as they stand. The job market is terrible and is likely to remain so for quite some time. Those of us with steady employment are lucky. No way around that, even if it doesn’t feel that way most of the time. The alternatives are far worse. After all, who really gets to make a living doing what they love? Who indeed?  For that matter, how many people actually know what they love doing? I’m not talking about just entertaining ourselves to pass the time. I’m talking about a passion. Something that moves us beyond measure. That inspires us. How many of us have actually found whatever this is? How many of us recognized it for what it was? From there, how many had the courage to pursue it against all odds? Damn few.

So now I return to my situation. I am most certainly not doing what I love for a living. For that matter, I’m not sure of exactly  what I could be passionate about as a career. I would think that it couldn’t feel like a job. A job is something you do because the alternatives don’t bear thinking on. You get up five or more days a week, likely after not getting enough sleep, and go to work. You do you thing. You try not to think about what you’d rather be doing throughout the day. You distract yourself by commiserating with your coworkers, not looking at the clock, trying to lose yourself in your work for as long as possible. Anything to make the day pass more quickly so that you can trek home and not think about work for a few short hours. If you were to feel this way about something you had been passionate about, that passion would die a quick and horrible death. So the trick seems to be to find that passion and somehow make that work for you. Make it a success to the point where you can do that for a living because it is what you want to do. That is quite a trick though.

In my case, I have a few ideas of things I could possibly do that I might truly end up being passionate about. How do I go about trying these ideas out? How can I keep my regular job, do my regular job, then come home and take up my passion with the energy and creativity it needs to survive? I’ve actually thought about this long and hard. What can I do to make this happen? How can I motivate myself to do what I dream when the dream dies a little more with every passing day? When the enormity of the effort needed for the dream seems enough to crush hope? I have been searching for the answer for some time. Searching outside myself, casting about in a vain attempt to find a ready made solution. It is only recently that I have come to a dawning realization: there is and will never be a quick fix for such a task. The answers will never be found with someone or something else. I am stuck. I am unhappy. I can’t keep this up indefinitely. This is my problem. The world doesn’t care and really shouldn’t care. It’s time I start looking to myself for the answers to my problems. After all, even if I can’t solve all of the problems I perceive in one fell swoop, I can make the many small decisions and take the small steps needed to begin fixing them. Bit by bit, I can build the life I dream of. Once again, I find that I already have at least some of the answers, even if I don’t always like what they are.