Category Archives: Uncategorized

My Kindle Scout Campaign is Live!

This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

I was super excited to get the email telling me that I’d been accepted and that my campaign would go live today. So now I have 30 days to get as many nominations as possible. They don’t reveal the number of nominations unfortunately so I won’t have any idea of just how many are coming in on a daily basis. No idea what their threshold is for acceptance. Basically the most any author can do it submit the best, finished book they can. Avatars & Identity was the first book I managed to find a copy editor for so I can at least be confident that it’s my best work so far. Getting published by Amazon would be a big step forward, of course. Having someone actively pushing your book can only help with getting the word out.

The whole system is pretty cool. Anyone with an Amazon account can nominate up to three books a month. I’ll probably spend some time in the next couple of weeks checking out other books up for nomination. I’ve got two free slots to fill after all! For anyone interested, this is the link to my campaign:

Here’s hoping I make the final cut!

The New Fuzzy Nerd Corner Blog

For those of you who bookmarked my blog at the new domain things are looking a bit different. The site may seem empty for now but I’m still in the process of switching everything over to the new host. In the meantime, all of my older blog entries can still be found at my WordPress blog here:

Hopefully everything will be done within the next week or so. Thanks!

Writing into the Darkness

This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

It’s almost 1 AM now and I’m still awake. Despite having morning class tomorrow and knowing that being up this late is going to make me super tired for my favorite class. This isn’t the first night this week I ended up late. Why? I’ve been asking myself that very same question and so far I don’t really have an answer.

Things aren’t particularly bad right now even if I do have a tone of work from school. With just three weeks left of classes, plus one week of finals, things are getting pretty intense. The two literature classes that were manageable all semester have become a bit overwhelming. Yet really it’s just a lot of reading. Nothing I’m not used to in the end. Except I’m having trouble sitting down and doing it. I’m distracted and I have trouble concentrating.

Dead Wesley Smith talks about writing into the dark on his blog. It’s the phrase he uses to describe writing when you have no plan, no plot, and no idea what you’re going to write about. You just start writing and go. I really like this idea and I’ve been itching to try it. Then I realized that’s pretty much what I always do with my blog entries. I don’t have a plan. Sometimes I have a thought and that’s my starting point. One little thought. Tonight my thoughts are rioting among the streets and alleyways of my mind and it’s making me crazy.

I’m sad and depressed, yet hopeful and determined. Mixed feelings describes it well. Then there’s the fear. The nagging, little voice in the back of my head fear that this is all going to come crashing down and I’m just a stupid little idiot for every thinking I could pull off writing for a living.

A poem written about fear and anxiety. By Aaron Lowe
A poem written about fear and anxiety.
By Aaron Lowe

The Novel Continues

This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

Another week of class just about done with another two live writing sessions complete. Finished up chapter 15 of my NaNoWriMo 2014 novel Avatars & Identity today. The past three days have seen more writing on my part on the book than I’ve managed to do in the last month. I’ve muddled past another difficult story section and I only have a few major plot points left to hit. I’m not holding myself to the 50k word target for NaNoWriMo for this story though. It will be how ever long it ends up being.

The physical proofs for Transformation came in today. I’ll finish reviewing tomorrow, a last check to make sure everything is good before approving the book to go live. Very excited to finally have the second book done!

Busy Bee

This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

I’m five weeks back into college now and this past week was a busy one. My first midterm, first full paper, and a ton of reading. (A given when 3 out of 4 classes are English/Literature.) The cover for my second novel, Transformation, was also finished. So I spent a couple of hours giving my Word doc one last look for any glaring errors, added some sample chapters from the book I’m writing now (Avatars & Identity), and sent it all to CreateSpace. Provided there are no issues I’ll be ordering proof copies tomorrow or Monday and hopefully (HOPEFULLY) the book will be live for sale by next weekend! Super excited about finally getting my second book up. After that I have four short stories that also need covers, a little editing, and then publishing.

I’ve been struggling still with Avatars. Partly because I haven’t been sure where I want to take the story and where it will end. For my first two books I knew quite well where they would stop. I do broad outlines for my books with just the main points I want to make sure I hit sooner or later in the story. I don’t hold myself to the order I put the points down but let the story dictate when and where they get included.

I think the other reason I’ve been stalling is because I wasn’t sure how I was going to make the story last to 90k+ words. For some reason I just had this thought in the back of my head that it had to be as long as my first two books. Silly me! Thankfully I’ve woken up and realized that isn’t the case. It will be as long as it needs to be to tell the story that I want. I realized this was one of my biggest problems because of a little post by Dean Wesley Smith:

Once again Mr. Smith has come through! I love his Killing the Sacred Cows series and I’m excited he’s starting a third one. It’s funny how this first chapter is so very pertinent to my current situation. I also didn’t know the so-called standard novel length was created as padding by traditional publishers. Gah! If I ever get a book published by one of the big guys I will not accept any contracts that restrict my novel sizes. Avatars & Identity will be shorter than my first two novels because there isn’t as much to tell right now. I wanted to branch out and expand my Shrouded World to include some new characters, themes, and ideas. NaNoWriMo came along and it was a great opportunity to get at it. Hopefully now that I feel better about the length of Avatars I’ll be more inclined to finish it so I can move on to the third book in Stephen’s trilogy.


In other news I’m being introduced to founder of UW Madison’s Creative Writing program. I am both nervous and psyched about this and hope that it leads to more awesome things!


This entry is part [part not set] of 73 in the series The Writing Life Blog

Ever wonder what it would be like if you could experience someone else’s thought process? What do they think about on a daily basis? What do they really worry about? What do they think of other people they encounter throughout the day? Something I’ve always wondered myself is if other folks have troubleĀ not thinking as much as I do. For as long as I can remember, I have never been able to just sit and not think. The closest I come is reading a book or watching a movie. No matter what I’ve tried though, nothing seems to stop the constant flow of thoughts. It’s one of the main reasons I have so much trouble with boredom. When I have nothing to do, nothing to keep my attention, I start going stir crazy very quickly.